
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Farmer's Market Find

 This past Saturday, I went with 3 girlfriends to the Salt Lake City Farmer's Market. We walked around for about an hour and just had fun looking at all the booths. As we were about to leave, we saw a vegetable stand that had LOTS and LOTS of sugar snap peas. None of us could resist. We tried them and they were sweet, fresh, and crispy. So we each bought a large bag for $5. What a deal!

That same stand also had beautiful sweet onions for sale, which my friend Jen decided to buy. The prices were so good and much more reasonable compared to all the other stands we passed. If I make it back to the SLC Farmer's Market again this summer, the first place I'm going to be heading is that very stand. I can only imagine what other wonderful goods they will be featuring and selling in the future. 

Yay for fresh, local produce. It just makes me feel green, happy, and healthy. These peas are perfect just to snack on, or in a stir fry (which Michael and I made last night). Do you have any other suggestions of ways you like to eat them?


  1. Hooray for farmer's markets! I LOVE them! So very addicting! We just need to start up our own garden! And yes, sugar snap peas are like candy. Yum!

  2. I need to find that stand. Prudent Homemaker has a good recipe for a salad with sugar snap peas.

  3. It was on the northwest corner of the farmer's market. The guys working at the stand looked of Asian decent. You should share that recipe with me too!

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