
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bear Lake Biking

 All of us in the Black family took a little trip up to Bear Lake this past weekend and enjoyed time surrounded by beautiful outdoors, relaxing in the cabin, playing in the water, and just being with each other. 

Michael and I decided to go for a little ride on his dad's motorcycle on Saturday morning. Jennifer, Janessa, and Leland (siblings) all went for a 55 mile ride around the lake on their road bikes and had asked us if we would bring them water/sustenance about halfway through. So, that's what we did! This was my first time riding on the motorcycle with Michael and it was so fun!
Our helmets had wireless headsets inside, so we could speak to each other while riding. I loved holding on to Michael and feeling the wind blow all around us. It was what we like to call a good "Hubby/Wifey" time!

As you can see, we're pretty awesome looking. I had to wear Janessa's motorcycle jacket, because it was a little bit smaller than Mike's mom's jacket. They both were still a little big on me. Can you see my arms? Yep, my hands kinda disappeared. Haha. 

 I think Michael looks a lot like his dad in this picture. He was such a safe and careful driver. Love him!

 And yes, this is my face all squished in the helmet. Look at those chubby cheeks (and freckles)!

Left to right: Janessa, Jennifer, and Leland. I can't believe they actually survived such a LONG bike ride. I don't even know how they did it. Course, it's not too hilly around the lake, so that's the only way I could fathom even making it through. They're pretty awesome if you ask me. 

It was a great weekend spent with loved ones. I've got a recipe to share from the trip, so check back tomorrow for more info. (I'm trying to get back into more recipes, but life has been crazy with this move. So if I'm a bit of a slacker for the next month or so, don't judge me.) :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you found a perfect new profile picture!! What fun hubby/wifey time!
