
Friday, September 30, 2011

Spanakopita and rich (and has layers).

Guess you're wondering what's going on after that title, eh? 

Since I'm busy and don't have much time, I'm going to try the short and sweet approach to this blog post instead of endlessly long paragraphs to explain everything. So here's what's been going on in La Famille Noir. 

Warning: This post may contain "whiny" elements! Bear with me as I detox.

  • Watching nieces a lot because they and their parents moved in to my in-laws for a while. So the house is crammed. Playing is fun, but sharing a bathroom with about 5 others is...something else!
  • Looking for apartments in Tallahassee and frustrated that so many people want 12 month leases when we need 6-7 months. 
  • Cooking and baking many yummy things and forgetting to take pictures in the hustle and bustle of lots of people in the home, so I haven't felt like blogging about the recipes because of lack of pictures.
  • Gaining some pounds because of all the "munchies" and baking. Ugh.
  • In contrast to that last statement, decreasing my mile running time. (Did a 5k in 31:56!) Crazy. Shouldn't I be seeing a loss of pounds?
  • Having HORRIBLE allergies since moving down to SLC. 
  • Waking up about 6-7 times a night because I can't breathe through my nose and my mouth and lips are all dry.
  • Taking many different allergy medications and having nothing work. 
  • Getting a cold sore and discovering Lysine. Taking 1,000 mg/day combined with my one-time use applicator, this cold sore is almost gone in less than a week!
  • Playing piano for Primary in my in-law's ward. Loving hearing the random comments from children each Sunday. I love Primary!
  • Start of Biggest Loser, Parenthood, and Grey's Anatomy seasons. Yay!
  • Prepping for my Level 3 Exam which requires memorization of 75 songs both played on guitar and piano and in 2 different keys. Insane!
  • Getting things figured out to get my father's estate settled between me and my siblings.
  • Listening to LOTS of Christmas music. Can't help myself!
  • Going to the gym on a 2 week trial pass and remembering how much I LOVE lifting weights. 
  • Finally seeing Harry Potter in the theatre. I know, I know. I'm a slacker. I used to go at midnight with all the fun dresser-uppers. But life has been insane! 
  • Crying throughout pretty much the entirety of Harry Potter and feeling sad that this is really the end! I've spent half of my life reading/watching Harry Potter. Wow, has it really been that long?
  • Netflixing Taking Chance and feeling like my life was changed for the better after watching that movie. I also cried throughout the entire thing. I was impressed by the honor, dignity, and respect that is bestowed upon our soldiers as they are brought home to be laid to rest. 
  • Changing our Netflix account to streaming only because of the doubled prices. 
  • Watching an episode of Star Trek every night before Michael and I go to bed. And loving the nerdom of it all.
  • Enjoying playing a real piano again. (Don't get me wrong, my keyboard with weighted keys is AWESOME. But there's just something about a real piano.) 

Whew, that's all I can think of right now. Recipe time!
(Greek Spinach Pie)

2 bunches of spinach, coarsely chopped
3 scallions, diced
12 oz. container cottage cheese
4 eggs
1/4 cup grated parmesan
1/4 cup feta, crumbled
1/4 cup flour
3 tbs. olive oil
salt and pepper, to taste
1 package phyllo dough
1/2 lb. melted butter

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Saute scallions in olive oil for 2-3 minutes, and put in a mixing bowl with all ingredients except phyllo and butter. Mix ingredients together. 
  2. Grease a large baking sheet pan with butter. Take half the phyllo and set the other half aside. Lay one sheet of phyllo across the bottom of the baking sheet and brush lightly with butter. Continue this process until you finish layering the first half of the dough.
  3. Pour the spinach mixture on top of the phyllo and spread evenly.
  4. Layer the second half of the phyllo dough on top of the spinach mixture, just as you did with the first half. If desired, you can score the dough with a knife before baking so as to reduce tearing of the phyllo once cooked and served.
  5. Bake for 1 hour or until golden brown. Let rest for 15-20 minutes, then serve.
Makes about 12 large servings

- This is RICH. So be careful and prepare yourself. You might want to take a nap afterwards, or wait quite a while before exercising. That's what I thought as I went for a run 1 hr. after eating. Should've waited 2. :)
- Make sure to have a basting brush for the butter. This way you'll use a lot less and reduce the richness factor.
- When working with the phyllo, make sure to cover the unused phyllo with a damp cloth, so it doesn't dry out and crack. This is delicate stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the Netflix end. Lame - we just switched to just streaming as well. Also, we have been watching Star Trek for the last several months and I love it. Glad you've been enjoying it too.
