
Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving and a Facelift

 Michael and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. We went down to spend it with some family on the Edmond side, which is my mother's mother's family. A lot of them I hadn't seen for over a decade, so it was definitely nice to catch up. We ate dinner outside by the beautiful pool, in perfectly comfortable weather. It seems weird to spend Thanksgiving without snow, and it was especially odd to be able to wear flip flops. I guess I've gotten so used to Utah weather, that I can't imagine the holidays otherwise!

But it was beautiful, and we had a lovely time. We even brought home some really yummy leftovers, which I enjoyed for lunch today. The turkey coma can continue...thank goodness!

 On a separate note, I updated my blog header to Christmas-ify it. I figured it needed a little something to help this blog feel a little more festive. I may change it, as I'm not sure I really love it yet. But, I'll give it a couple days or so, then we'll see. :)

I hope everyone has had a fantastic time with friends and family this Thanksgiving. There are so many things we have to be grateful for. For good food, a warm and comfortable home and a roof over our heads, for Michael and I being able to move all the way across the country together so I could complete my internship, Michael's job letting him remote while we're here. For always having more than enough to make ends meet each month, for the gospel in our lives, and so many other things. We are truly blessed!

Stay tuned for a few more blessings (and luxuries) we were able to partake in, today, the day after Thanksgiving! Also, have a wonderful evening and Thanksgiving weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys had some family close by to share the holiday with! I could go for a bit of that sunshine and flip flop weather right now! Soak it up!
