
Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Day in Thomasville, GA

We spent a wonderful Saturday perusing the cute downtown shops and sights of Thomasville, GA today! This time was spent with our dear friends the Jacksons from church here in Tallahassee. They have been telling us all the fun that it is to spend a Saturday in Thomasville, and finally, we made the trip with them. It was so much fun as we window shopped, looked at art galleries, doted over antiques, and even bought a little something special for the gals in the group!

We started off the day by going to fabulous Bread Wagon Bakery just north of Thomasville. We loaded up on tomato herb bread, cinnamon rolls, pumpkin cream cheese muffins, and sampled some other goodies from this local place that specializes in Amish and Mennonite products. So good!

After lots of shopping, discovering that a local shop carried DownEast clothing (the girls bought a couple 60% off pieces for themselves) and having people dote on the Jackson's cute little boy (seriously, it was like every 10 minutes...someone would stop and talk to him, complement him and his parents, etc.) we finished our day with a late lunch at Moonspin Pizza.

 Like my new jacket for just $20.00??? Score.

Our brilliant, stylish, talented, sweet, and ever so indulgent tour guides. We think they're kinda cool. Especially because they are the parents of the cute kid below. 

Yep, we used to call him "The Chunk". But now he's growing a lot and not as chunky anymore. He's so much fun to sing with, and make giggle. Michael and this little one are seriously good pals.

And let's not forget the amazing food we partook of. Michael and I are determined to revamp our pizza crust to make it like this place had perfected it. Crispy and light, but just the right amount of chewiness.

Cheesy Breadsticks. They speak for themselves. 
 Lucky Moon Pizza with arugula, feta, sliced chicken, and sweet onion. Sad story though, the restaurant was out of arugula because apparently some customer came in just before us and asked for many many salads with JUST arugula. Crazy! So, we opted for roasted red peppers instead. Pretty great, still!

Even though I got some pretty crappy sleep last night as a result of a most inconsiderate neighbor (who was up all night speaking loudly, playing video games, smoking, and I do believe drinking) and I was in a not so happy/peppy mood this morning, the rest of the day made up for it. Lovely day with lovely people.

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