
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Homemade Cake Mix Oreos

This recipe was a LONG time coming. For years I have eaten yummy homemade oreos and have made many plans to bake them myself, but somehow life and other desserts got in the way.  So, I finally dug my heels in the other day and decided to do it. And I did not regret a single second of it. The recipe was super easy as it was made from a cake mix (loving cake mix cookies so much lately) and in a very short amount of time, I had some homemade scrumptious oreos in my hands. And my belly!

 This was my "trying to be artistic" photo. You can definitely see how moist those cookies are. Makes me salivate all over again. These things were gone in a matter of minutes. I think my in-laws both love and hate the fact that Michael and I are living with them because I bake such irresistible desserts. But it's time like these that I need a little something special to celebrate changes that are happening in our life right now.

Just this week, we found a couple "good potential" homes and I discovered a great possibility for work. I can't give many details about either, as we are waiting until things are more set in stone to let people in on the good news. But things are exciting and looking up, that's for sure! So, I say...make yourself some homemade oreos today to celebrate something special and exciting. Share them with your loved ones or friends and enjoy the beautiful day!

Homemade Cake Mix Oreos
(adapted from Mommy's Kitchen)

Cookie Ingredients:
1 package devil's food cake mix 

2 large eggs 

1/2 cup vegetable oil

  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Add oil and eggs to cake mix and blend together. With a small cookie scoop, scoop dough onto greased cookie sheet. Bake for 12 minutes. 
  2. Remove from oven and let cool on sheet (until warm). While cookies are still warm, use the bottom of a drinking glass and press on cookies until they have flattened. 
  3. When cookies have cooled, remove from baking sheet and place on wire cooling rack.
Cream Cheese Icing Ingredients:
1 stick butter
8 oz. package cream cheese
3-4 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract

  1. Cream butter and cream cheese together. Mix vanilla extract into butter and cream cheese mixture. 
  2. Add powdered sugar. Mix slowly until you reach your desired consistency.

To assemble cookies:
  1. In a pastry bag with a 1/2 inch, round tip (or a plastic sandwich bag), pipe about a tablespoon of filling into the center of one cookie.
  2. Place another cookie similar in size on top of the filling. Lightly press, to work the filling evenly to the outsides of the cookie. Continue this process until all the cookies have been sandwiched with icing.

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