
Monday, July 22, 2013

{Baby} 12 weeks!!!

And so begins the profile pictures which will show the growth of the baby belly! I figured it was about time, now that we finally reached the last bit of the first trimester. Whew, it feels like I've been waiting forever for this moment, even though I know it is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I'm sure the rest of the pregnancy will fly by and then the baby will be here before we know it, but I've been so looking forward to getting past the nausea and (hopefully) starting to look pregnant, not just feeling pudgy. I'm really ready for that cute bump to just "pop" on my tummy and for the moment when I can actually feel the little munchkin inside me!

As you can see, I still am experiencing all the typical first trimester symptoms, which I'm pretty much grown accustomed to now after so many weeks living with them. What has been nice is that I've gotten some more of my energy back and actually was able to start going to the gym a couple weeks ago, and Michael and I are also starting to take evening bike rides around our neighborhood (don't worry, I'm not at the "off balance" stage yet, and we're being extra careful until then too). It's been nice to be able to feel like I can get back out of the house more and to just get moving. I've missed exercising, although I'm still having to take it easy because my stamina waned over the past several weeks without much movement!

All in all, we're doing well and just trying to stay cool and active in this hot desert Summer weather. Yay for that! At least I have Otter Pops to help me out in that respect!


  1. Yea...almost done with your first trimester! I have a cousin who blogged very detailed posts like this all along the way. It's so smart. I've been telling my niece that I wish I would have written down the little details that you forget after a few years, for each of my kids. It would have been nice to compare different things from pregnancy to pregnancy.

    1. Thanks Shauna! I'm hoping to keep this up throughout the pregnancy and for subsequent ones as well. It's so much easier in this digital age to put information down and then I can print a cute blog book for each child when they are born! I can only imagine how similar (and different) each pregnancy might be. Hope you're doing well and that little Paul is still sleeping many hours each night. Send our love to Jaycee!

  2. It must be a bloggin' day! I'm trying to get updated over here too. Nice update... since I'm not there to see, this will probably be the only way I get to see your pg progressing! With our first I felt like the time crawled until about 25 weeks, then it went faster. Get all the sleep you can now... ha ha ha ha ha.... you'll never sleep again! Just kidding, you will. Then you'll start all over again with another one, and it's lots of fun! :)

    1. I liked your updates too! I will definitely keep doing them as the growth occurs! Sad you're not here in person to talk about all this...guess we'll just have to settle for this way! And sleep....I'm getting it all in while I can, that's for sure :)

  3. So cute. I'm glad that you are starting to feel better. Getting past that first trimester is such a good feeling. Love the update!
