
Thursday, September 19, 2013

{Baby} 20 Weeks!!!

We made it! We are now halfway through the pregnancy! I almost can't believe it. And of course, the biggest news from our 20-week ultrasound is that the baby is a GIRL!!! I can't even begin to tell you how happy we are. We've felt for over a month now that our little one was going to be a girl, so I guess you can say that we weren't surprised!

The most important thing though, is that the ultrasound revealed many little details about her and the fact that she is perfectly healthy. She moved around a lot and the tech had to push the wand up and down on my tummy a few times to get her to cooperate so that some particular angles and pictures could be taken. We watched our little sweetheart kick her feet around, then pull them back up underneath her bum. Guess she takes after me in that way, I love sitting with my legs under my bum (maybe she'll have my flexibility). Also, our little girl was ADORABLE as she sat there swallowing in the amniotic fluid. We got to watch her little tongue move around as she did that and that was seriously my favorite part of the entire appointment, watching this little being do something so human and real. Not to mention swallowing all that fluid is great for her lung development! Her little heart was pumping perfectly and normally, with no problems at all and she measures right where she should be. So, our due date is still right on schedule with January 31st!

Michael is gearing up to be overcome with lots of pink and estrogen. But he was so sweet during and after the appointment, talking about how she's "going to be a princess". It's so true. That little girl is going to be so blessed to have Michael for a father, he is such a kind and patient man and will spoil her rotten! We have a friend who has a little girl that we've been really close to since she was a baby and she and Michael are seriously best buds (she's about 2 years old now). I mean it, this little girl is adorable and we just love her because she is so sweet and petite. Michael has always said from the beginning, "If we have a little girl, will it be as cute as Jaycee?" And when we left the office the other day, he asked me that question again, but this time he said..."she won't be as cute, she'll be cuter because she's ours!" 

If you can't tell, we are so in love already and are incredibly excited to start preparing the nursery with everything this little princess is going to need/want. We have a few names we've been talking about over time, but we're not decided on anything yet. We really feel like we'll need to meet her first before a solid decision is made. But we are already so excited to meet her and now we've just got the second half of the pregnancy to go!

I must confess, I bought her a little outfit a couple weeks back on the 70% off rack at Kohl's. It was too cute to pass up, and because I felt strongly like we were having a girl, I figured the price was right. And if it turned out that we weren't having a girl, I'd just give it to someone who was having a girl, or stash it in the back of the closet for later :) Now, I'm so happy that our little girl will be able to wear this cute summery outfit I bought especially for her before we even knew she was a "she". 

We are truly blessed and grateful for how well everything has been going in the pregnancy and for all the support and love we have and are continuing to receive from family and friends!


  1. Yay! Congratulations. So glad baby girl is happy and healthy.

    1. Thanks Shantel! You are such a faithful commenter :)

  2. She is so lucky to be coming to such a great family! I can't wait to see her little face!!!!!

    1. Thanks Emily! We feel pretty lucky to have her coming to our family. I'll post a profile pic pretty soon!

  3. Congrats Rebecca, so exciting! Whereabouts in Sandy do you guys live? My husband and I just bought a house in Sandy in July!

    1. We're almost to Draper, up on the bench. Sorry, but trying to figure out who you are?!?

    2. Sorry I use a silly nickname, It's Melissa Anderson, from Utah State!

    3. Oh, hi! It's great to see you on here. Whereabouts in Sandy do you live?
