
Tuesday, October 08, 2013

{Baby} 23 Weeks

How time has flown since we found out that we were having a little girl! We're almost a month further along and things are going smoothly. Even though I say time has flown, I still feel like I can't wait to meet her. Michael and I were talking yesterday that this whole "being pregnant" thing is fun, but some days we really just want it to hurry up so we can meet her and snuggle her. Course, I'm grateful for the whole 9 months to prep for everything, because we both know things will get pretty crazy and be very different once she graces us with her presence.

At our 22 week appointment with Dr. Hebert, baby girl kicked the wand a few times when she was trying to listen to the heartbeat. We all laughed and Dr. Hebert just smiled and said, sounds like your little girl is telling me, "Stop listening to my heartbeat!" It was adorable, and even though Michael wasn't able to actually see the kicks quite like I did, he said he definitely heard them! Baby girl is so active and moves around a lot throughout the day and night. Makes me think we're going to have a very energetic little princess on our hands!

We registered for a Hypnobirthing class, which I'm pretty excited about. It has some principles that are very close to what I do and study as a music therapist, so I think I'm going to connect well this method. Michael left it all up to me to choose as he basically said since I'll be the one birthing the baby, he wants me to find something that will work for me. He'll just be there at all the classes (and in the birthing suite) for whatever support I need. What a good man I married!

Michael has started rubbing my belly a lot more, trying to see if he can feel her, and he usually kisses it to say goodbye in the mornings. Pretty adorable if you ask me. The newest body change I've started to notice is hips and lower back soreness. I've had to really be careful how I sit throughout the day, making sure my posture is good or else my lower back starts to hurt after a little while. Yay for the "less than fun" changes. But, it's all worth it!

Michael and I just repainted the crib his sister gave us and also repainted a little wooden bookcase we found on our neighbor's curb the other day. I'm still on the search for crib bedding that I love and that isn't too expensive. Anybody have good suggestions for a great place to find some? I've searched Target and a few places on the internet, but everything that's cheaper seems to be really trendy and covered in polka dots or chevron. I'm going for a more traditional feel in her nursery. Anyway, not too big of a deal, but fill me in if you have any great ideas that I may not know about!

As usual, things are wonderful and we are blessed each and every day :)


  1. You look absolutely adorable!! And hypnobirthing all-the-way!!!

    1. Thanks Becky! I have to say, some days I feel much more adorable than others. This turned out to be one of those days :) So, you used Hypnobirthing also? I'd love to hear about your experience!

  2. Love the update! I'm glad that you are still feeling reasonably good. I wish I had a good crib betting source to send you too, but I think it's really hard to find something that isn't super expensive. Good luck! I'm sure whatever you come up with will be beautiful.

    1. Thank you Shantel! I have to say that I feel blessed to not be experiencing any major pains yet in pregnancy (no acid reflux, no heartburn...YAY). I think I may have found the bedding I really want, so we'll see if I end up getting it :)
