
Monday, January 20, 2014

{Baby} Girly Fairy Tale Nursery

 Welcome to our baby girl's little nursery! It has a bit of a fairy tale/nursery rhyme theme to it, but not too much, because I like to keep things not so "cutesy" as this is a space I want our little one to grow into. Mostly, the inspiration came from the beautiful bedding which you will see down below later in this post. So, let's take a tour, shall we?

For starters, I LOVE this canvas print. It was the very first thing I purchased for the nursery, as I'd been looking at it for over a year at this website. The company had a booth at Swiss Days back in 2012, and I fell in love with every single print they had. I knew I wanted this cute little girl to be on the wall in my future daughter's nursery. So, when they were having a liquidation sale of their old inventory back in the fall, I went and bought all sorts of cute canvas prints I'd been eyeing for a long time. It's such a special and unique little part of the nursery and makes me happy everytime I look at it!

Here's the dresser that Michael's sister Tina gave us, that she used for her girls and I believe was once used for Michael's older brother. Needless to say, it's been in the family for quite some time and just needed a new coat of paint to spruce it right up for a changing table/place to store diapers, wipes, burp cloths, receiving blankets, etc. And now that I look at this picture I see that it is off center from the canvas print. I think I'll have to get Michael to move it over for me, because I'm anal like that!

 Oh, our beautiful crib bedding! I can't even begin to describe how much I am in love with it. My mother was kind enough to purchase this as her contribution for baby girl, and I was so happy to finally be able to put it on the crib which was also given to us by Michael's sister, Tina. The crib also got a new coat of paint and I think the bedding just pops against the bright and clean white.

 Here's a detail shot of the fabric pattern. Nursery Rhyme Toile. I've always loved toile and I grew up loving nursery rhymes and reading, so I fell in love with this bedding at first sight. I hope our little girl will learn to love great literature as she's surrounded by Mary Quite Contrary, Humpty Dumpty, The Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe, and other characters.

Now, as I was already in the "story" mode, I figured I wanted to add some fairy tales into the decor. I went on a search for prints of fairy tales that I could frame, but found nothing  on the internet within a range that I wanted to pay for. So, I searched the D.I. (Deseret Industries) and other thrift stores, and eventually found a book at Savers. Actually, my friend Natalie found the book as we were scouring the shelves one day. Thank you Natalie! The book itself had gorgeous illustrations and was only about $1.00!!! Perfect! So, I cut out my favorites and put them in some IKEA frames and now they hang beautifully above the crib. Pretty sure they are my favorite part of the nursery!

 Left to right: Rapunzel, Thumbelina, The Frog Prince, Red Riding Hood, and Rumpelstiltskin.

Now the cute closet where all our dear girl's clothes are held, along with a few other special items. I like keeping it open because it's so cute to just look at all the clothes and accessories! We purchased the 2X2 Expedit shelf and baskets from IKEA, and they house onesies, sleepers, socks and shoes, and some toys. The hanging clothes are just a few of the many we've been handed down or gifted. I've only put up to 3 months in the closet right now, and have all the other "older" clothes washed and in storage bins in our basement, just waiting for baby girl to grow into them!

 And I'm in love with all the girly accessories that I get to put on baby girl. Bows, headbands, beanies, SUNGLASSES! Aren't they just the cutest things you've ever seen? If you can't tell, I'm trying out the new DSLR Michael got me for Christmas. I love the quality of the photos when I can get the manual settings just where I want them. It's a learning curve, but so much fun. I foresee getting lots of practice on a cute and snuggly little girl very soon!

I think every nursery and child's room should have a picture of Christ in it. He is the focus and reason we are here on this Earth. Also, I love keeping that spiritual aspect of things in our home, especially in a space where our baby (who just came from His and Heavenly Father's presence) is going to spend so much time.

 Lastly, I introduce you to where all the magic is going to happen in the nursery, the reading bookcase area and rocking chair. Baby girl and I will spend lots of time there...snuggling, nursing, singing, and reading wonderful books together. The banner is from one of my baby showers and will hold that spot until we decide what our sweet girl's name is and I have time to create a plaque or something to display her name in its place. Or at least that's the plan I have right now!

 Thank you Natalie Jolley for being my best friend and lover of classic literature (specifically Jane Eyre) and for this special book to start little girl off right in her adventures in reading!

I saved one of my favorite and most special parts of the nursery for last. This teddy bear's name is Shortcake and she has been my teddy bear since I was 2 months old. You can tell she's been very loved over the years. She used to be a nice light pink color, but that has faded as I used to carry her around everywhere with me as a child. Also, if you look closely, you can see that her right ear is larger than her left, and that's because that was the ear I would carry her around by. It just kind of stretched over time. This bear was my best buddy for years and the first thing I ever smiled at. She was named Shortcake, because that was a nickname I was called all throughout my childhood years; so it only made sense for me to call her that also! I love having this little part of my childhood in my daughter's nursery.

So, there you have it. Baby Girl Black's nursery. I love all the unique and special touches that are in it. Those are the little things that make this a space that I hope our darling daughter can enjoy and feel safe and at home in. Everything has been put together with love, and we are just excited to meet her now. Hopefully soon she will make her entrance and then we can have her in our arms!


  1. I absolutely love everything about this nursery. The bedding looks amazing, so beautiful and cozy. I love the prints hanging on the wall - it makes me want to go on my own fairy tale/nursery rhyme book hunt. Seriously. I'm going to do it. Can't wait for that sweet girl to arrive. I'm so happy for you guys. (And I agree with your reply from last time - every time I see you I think that I'd love to spend more time with you. We'll have to make it happen after baby girl gets here.)

    1. Thanks Shantel! I love how you always comment on my posts. It makes a girl feel good to have such high praise :) You should totally go on a hunt for pretty nursery rhyme books! We will keep you posted when she arrives...can't wait for you to meet her too!

  2. This is way too cute!! How wonderful that you get to start your family so well situated. That perfect little room + your great new camera + beautiful baby girl Black = awesome baby pictures!! Can't wait to see her!

    1. Thanks Emily! We are indeed so blessed to be able to put together a special place for our girl and to have a beautiful and comfortable home to bring her to. The Lord has been very good to us! We'll have to make introductions to your girls eventually, especially seeing as we'll have two that are just a couple months apart. Destined friendship? I think so!

  3. So incredibly beautiful, this should be in a magazine! I love all the little fairy tale prints, and the picture of Christ is the exact same one that hung in Michael's room before he was born and when he was still at home. I just love those pictures of Christ with little children around him. So comforting and peaceful. I can't wait to see the completed nursery in person when the baby girl gets here. Soon -- very soon! Hang in there; she's almost here.

    1. And I just love seeing little Shortcake propped up so comfortably in your nursery. I think she will love it there!

    2. Thanks! It's a nice relaxing space. I hope she'll love it. And yes, Shortcake is very happy in her spot!

  4. Congrats! Her nursery is ADORABLE, as I'm sure she will be! :)

    1. Thanks Katrina! I haven't heard from you in a long time! How are you?!?

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