
Sunday, March 02, 2014

A Few Firsts

 Baby Jessica has had quite a few "firsts" since being born and home with us. I thought I'd devote a little post to some of those.

 First Bath! I posted this photo on facebook because the fauxhawk and all her awesome hair is so much fun after each bath. Michael always brushes it into this hairstyle. I can't wait until her hair gets a bit longer and I can start clipping bows and tying ponytails in it!

Computer time with daddy. He brought her in to "help" him with putting some new memory into our desktop computer. Michael posted a really cute dialogue of this sequence on his facebook page. It's seriously adorable! I can't believe she was this small, as she's already grown so much since then.

And her very first Valentine's Day. I love this little outfit I bought at Savers for $1.50 before she was born. I knew she was going to be in newborn size clothes for this holiday, so I couldn't help myself. Her little "shoes" and ruffle booty are my favorite! What a sweet little girl.

1 comment:

  1. When did he post the dialogue on his FB page? I can't find it and would love to see it.
