
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Name and a Blessing

Jessica's Blessing was held at our ward here in Sandy, UT, a couple Sundays ago on April, 13, 2014.  It was a beautiful day full of friends and family. A few days before the actual blessing day, I got Jessica all dressed up on did a little photoshoot of her in all her beautifulness. The dress and bonnet were mine that I wore when I was blessed over 26 years ago.

Sadly, we didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked of Jessica with everyone that came (because we did have quite the turnout of friends and family). Church on Sundays is always difficult as our 11 o'clock time sits right during her naptime. She was exhausted and fussy after the Sacrament meeting and so Michael put her down in her crib as soon as we got home, thinking she'd only sleep about 30 minutes. Well, that turned into over an hour (sleepy girl!) and then, of course, she woke up hungry. Many people had to leave by the time she was awake, fed, and ready for pictures. But, that's alright. 

We were still grateful to all who came and shared in the special day and event and especially to all those who helped with bringing food to the luncheon (my mom, Mike's parents, Tina Gillman, Jennifer Black, Janessa Black), those who took notes during the blessing (Natalie Jolley and Jennifer Black), and those who flew in to be here especially for the blessing day and weekend (Michael and Natalie Rougeau).

 So serene and in absolute comfort sleeping in the arms of her Daddy. Note the little pointer finger sticking straight out. She loves to do that with both hands. Not sure why, but it's cute!

 She looks so fetching in the arms of her aunt! (Name that quote).

 I call this Jessica's "creepy stalker eyes".

Michael gave an absolutely beautiful blessing. I knew he would, but I truly didn't expect it to be as specific, sweet, and completely genuine to our darling girl. He most definitely had the Spirit with him as he exercised his priesthood in such a special ordinance. 

Thoughts to remember from the blessing:
Jessica has come to fulfill the plan laid out for us as a family.
Blessed to learn all the Lord would have.
She will have the Spirit of discernment. 
Jessica will know the truth in all things to see through the confusion the adversary will set in place.
Have a healthy body to learn and grow.
Blessed to always have the Spirit of the Lord with her.
Have a keen ear to the soft promptings of the Spirit, for that is how He will communicate with her.
 She will have a strong sense of family.
Blessed to feel the love of her family and Heavenly Father.
Jessica will be blessed to find a worthy spouse and be married in the temple for time and all eternity.
She will become a mother one day.
Blessed to have a sure knowledge that she is a daughter of Heavenly Father with unique traits and abilities.

I teared up again as I wrote these blessings and remembered that day. Jessica has brought such a sweet spirit into our home and lives and I know that she will fulfill these blessings as she strives to be faithful during her life. I only pray that I and her father will be able to truly teach her of her Savior's love and lead by example the best we know how, and through that she will come to know her Savior and purpose on this earth.


  1. Such a beautiful blessing! I'm so glad that you recorded so much of it - there are only a few phrases that I remember from Lydia's. And how sweet that she is wearing your own blessing dress! (How did you get her name embroidered in the same font as your name? It's gorgeous! I love that idea.)

    1. Thank Shantel! I didn't write anything down. I'm grateful that I had the sense to ask a couple people beforehand if they would do that for me, because I knew I'd be crying through all of it. I can't help it...I'm such a crier when it comes to those types of things!

      My mother actually got my dress embroidered with both of our names and dates recently, so that's how the font is the same. I'm hoping to keep doing it for every girl in the family :)
