
Thursday, January 15, 2015

11 Months {Jessica}

Wow. Am I ever late with this post?!? Jessica is turning ONE in just two weeks, so I better tell you about her journey to 11 months before it's too late!

These pictures are from the Christmas holidays, specifically our ride on the North Pole Express in Heber, UT. She was super duper cute, flirting with everyone on the train, so I thought using the photos from that day would be great. More details about the rest of that excursion along with other Christmas related photos to come in a separate post!

 Our sweet little family of three. We're pretty cute, in my opinion!

 Look at those long eyelashes. And those chubby cheeks.

 This is Jessica staring at Santa. She wasn't scared at all! Maybe that would've changed if she had to sit in his lap all by herself. ;)

 I sure love being this girl's Mommy. It's one of the greatest and happiest blessings of my life. 

 Exciting Updates:

She can clap her hands, but it's not the typical flat-hands-against-each-other deal. It morphs from flat right hand and left hand in a fist, to flat right hand and left pointer finger sticking out. So so so cute.

Michael taught Jessica to say "ho ho ho" over the Christmas holidays. Sounds more like "oo oo oo" very quietly, but incredibly adorable.

Jessica knows how to fold her arms when we pray, specifically when it's time to eat. Her little arms just clasp on top of each other in front of her tummy. Anytime I sit her in her booster chair at the table, she folds her arms, waiting for someone to say a prayer!

She knows how to high five.

Two teeth (the bottom middle two) are finally coming in! It's about time!

She is so close to climbing onto things, as she reaches up and tries to pull up on anything within sight. And when she's crawling on the floor, she tries to push up onto her feet. Standing isn't too far behind!

We also taught Jessica to do the classic exhale of "ah" after taking a sip from her sippy cup.

She really loves her "Dada" and will say his name anytime he enters a room or she hears him come down the hallway. When his car drives up after work, we like to wait by the backdoor and watch him walk up to it. Usually she'll say "Dada" and squeal a couple times from all the excitement!

It's so cute to see Jessica doing all these grown up behaviors. And she's learning them so quickly, absorbing all this information and then regurgitating it after just a couple examples by me or Michael. We are so proud of and in love with this girl!

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a special memory that day will always be for me! I'm so glad I was able to share it with her. She is my little sweetheart, and I love her more than anything. So proud to be her Gamma.
