
Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding

 Meet the new Camille Berry, and her husband Justin. I love these two. They are a great couple, and so cute and happy together. Originally, I didn't think I'd be able to go to their wedding because we were scheduled to leave for Tallahassee on the exact day of their wedding. But, I talked to my awesome supervisors at Big Bend Hospice, and they let me postpone my arrival for pre-internship particulars by a couple days. So, we were able to make it to the wedding in the Logan Temple!

I was so happy, I cried. Course, I always cry at weddings. Michael has to hand me his handkerchief every. single. time. He thinks it's kinda funny and cute. 

 But, you know what, I think that this couple is kinda funny and cute. It makes me so happy that Camille found such a perfect match for herself. Justin is as good as they come. A total goofball, just like Camille, and one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. Score, Camille, score. 

 The duo. We've been best buds ever since my first semester at USU in 2006. I think we bonded over crazy opera rehearsals and lack of sleep. I can't imagine not ever having her as a friend in my life. I've always been so lucky to find best friends wherever I go, and Camille is 1 of the 3 who holds that title in my book. I love her dearly, and miss her so!

We wrote throughout her entire mission, and are planning on starting that tradition again, for old times sake. Although, we will be able to talk on the phone now, which is an added bonus. That'll help to keep me sane!

Yep. We're cool. Look at that silliness. By the way, isn't she just a gorgeous bride?

Congratulations to the new Justin and Camille Berry!

1 comment:

  1. So fun that you made it to her wedding, and she does look beautiful.
