
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pre-Birthday Weekend

 A couple weekends back, before Michael and I moved to Tallahassee, we went down to Midway, to have a little stay in our friend Hunter's parent's vacation home there. It was a little pre-birthday celebration for me with friends, seeing as we were going to be moving away right before the actual date of my birthday. 

The weekend consisted of hot tubbing, sweating out all our impurities in the sauna, eating unhealthy food (amazing cobbler by Hunter, by the way. I'm still dreaming about that.), watching the new X-Men First Class movie, and of course, a little XBOX dancing action. You can see the proof of our mad dancing skills in all these pictures. 

I think that Michael and Jen were the best dancers, by far.

 Look at that man of mine. He's so cute. 

Although, I gave them a run for their money...not. I've always said, I'm a really good "car dancer". Hips and above are great, but once you put my feet into it, that's a different story. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Cute. Hope you had a great birthday in your new place! Glad that you were able to celebrate before you moved.
