
Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Card 2012

Here's our Christmas card so all can enjoy, especially to those we weren't able to mail a copy to this year!

We really do love all of our dear friends and family and are grateful for the support we are constantly given, especially through this year of BIG changes and adventures. 

We've enjoyed moving to Tallahassee and back to Utah, driving cross-country with a U-haul trailer both trips. As a result, Michael's become VERY skilled at car repairs. We've also been grateful to be completely finished with schooling as I finished my music therapy internship with Big Bend Hospice in Tallahassee, FL. And after that, I studied for and passed my board certification exam to officially become an MT-BC! 

We also searched for and bought our very first home! That has brought all sorts of fun projects to be done and dreams to be fulfilled in the coming years. We have BIG plans for this house and are totally in love with being in our own space that we can alter to our taste and needs. We love our neighborhood and ward and are happy. That's all we can ask for. It's a pretty great life. 

Right now, the snow is falling softly outside in big, fluffy flakes. Merry Christmas!


  1. Such a beautiful Christmas card! I love it. You guys have been busy busy this year. I'm so excited for your new house and the adventures to come this next year. Merry Christmas!
