
Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012

 Photo unload about to happen. We had a very nice Christmas filled with 25 Days of Awesome-ness for Michael and myself to enjoy. Time was also spent with dear friends and family in the celebration. There was lots of hot chocolate, eggnog in sugar-encrusted glasses, cookie decorating, seeing reindeer and ice sculptures at Thanksgiving Point, admiring the pretty lights and decorations around us, and, of course, window shopping at City Creek, with a stroll through Temple Square. 

Loved seeing Michael and Natalie Rougeau when they came for a visit. Although, wish we could've spent more time with them. I foresee some strictly sibling fun in the years to come, because once a year is just not enough! They are cute and perfect for each other. It makes me happy to see them happy when I am also so happily matched myself (paraphrase from Jane Austen's Emma)!

 Model walk.

 I think it was safe to say that Nat, that Southern girl, was a bit cold here in Utah. :)

 Our beautiful Christmas tree. Not real this year, but hopefully next year will turn out. We do not need a repeat of the ugly tree excursion of 2012. Gives me the willies just thinking about it. ;)

 Keeping France always close to our hearts.

Made a bunch of these ornaments for my family members and myself. Different colors and seashells to reflect each family. They are a bit of Florida, back in Utah. Still need to put a picture in ours!

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