
Monday, January 07, 2013


Well, 2012, as you all know has been quite the year for me and Michael. We've accomplished many things and feel so blessed to have done so. But, it's on to 2013 and thinking about what this year will hold. As usual, I've made a list of things I would like to focus on for this year, and I'd like to share some of those with you today. As they always say, writing things down makes them all the more real (and helps to add responsibility into the mix).

(Remembering 2012 and moving into 2013)
Love more, judge less
This is a joint goal for me and the Mr. We have found ourselves getting caught up in others' lives and finding ways to judge them when we feel like we would make better decisions in their shoes (crazy, I know, but it's SO easy to do). Totally not who we want to be or become. We want to focus more on loving, forgiving, and supporting those we love and care about without all the extra baggage.

Get back into exercise routine
Cliche', I know, but it's true. We've both gotten out of the exercise habit and it's not pretty. I miss the adrenaline and endorphin rush, and feeling stronger. I miss running...a lot. Shame that it's so cold and bad air quality here in the winter, so outside is not an option. But, we're going to start exercising again, anyway that we can. I see training for some races in my future.

Observe the Sabbath day more fully
I always remember going to friend's homes on Sunday and the homes that I loved spending the most time in, were the ones where the family really made a special effort to make Sundays different. I want to wake up early enough so I can turn on some spiritual music (MoTab is a must) and truly prepare myself for church services (at 9 am this year!). Then, I want to focus on reading spiritual books, the scriptures, and conference talks to bring my focus more on the Saviour. 

Read more, watch TV/surf Internet less
I find myself wasting too much time on the internet and Netflix, and not enough time reading. I LOVE reading and good books, and it's a shame that I let facebook and other media outlets get in the way. I've already started re-reading one of my favorite books, so I'm off to a good start. I still want to budget time for important things like blogging (which I'm determined to get back into, seeing as it's our family journal of sorts). Just more of the good, and less of the not so good. 

Step more out of my comfort zone
The video below was my short 5-minute inspiration for this goal. I've started to feel, as I've been out of school and my life is not measured in semesters anymore, that I need to find new ways to motivate and educate myself. In ways, I miss the school schedule and the prospects that a new semester would bring. So, I'm resigned to dream big and do new things that maybe I had never thought of before. Keep learning, try my hand at something that maybe I've always wanted, but have never had the courage to try. In music, in work, in family, in cooking, in home, in friends, in marriage.

My favorite quote from the video: 
"If you want something you don't already have, you have to do something you haven't already done."

The basic goal for 2013:
Focus on what is MOST important. 
Find balance in life. 
More of the best, instead of just settling for what is good (and comfortable).


  1. I love these goals. They totally resonate with the goals that I have for myself. Good luck to you guys as you start the new year. Happy 2013!

    1. Thanks Shantel! I read your goals too...and they're great!

  2. Loving the goals! Happy New Year!

  3. Good goals. I saw the top picture before I read the goals and thought "Eat more pizza. Yes! A good goal we can all do!" just kidding. :) I need to get working on things too. I'm in a tricky spot where I feel like I don't have an ounce left to give, in some ways I've never felt so stretched in my life (and sometimes dare I say frazzled) but it's a good reminder to keep going and not to settle. I hope 2013 is all you want it to be!

    1. Hahaha. Eat more Pizza! We should make t-shirts! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. You and your family have a lot going on right now! Sometimes just writing things down makes things better for me. It's a release of sorts and lets my mind focus on other more pressing matters (at the moment). Hope you can find a way to feel less "frazzled". Happy 2013 to you too Mindy!
