
Friday, January 04, 2013

{DIY} Homemade Baby Onesies

Some dear friends of ours recently announced that they are pregnant with their first child. And we are so excited for them! This blessing couldn't come to two better people, in our minds. They actually live all the way on the other side of the country from us, so we don't get to see them too often. But, we were lucky that they have family who live here in Utah, and they came to visit for Christmas and New Year's!

We decided that the perfect Christmas present for them would be to decorate baby onesies! Well, truthfully, we really just wanted to get them a cute USU Aggie outfit for the wee babe to come, but they were astronomically expensive and we knew we could do better. So, we bought a 5 pack of onesies, some fabric paint, and created our own stencils from pictures on the internet, and voila...cuteness was created! 

I think we spent about $10 overall. Which is NOT bad, considering some websites wanted to charge us almost $20 for a measly onesie with a teeny embroidered "A" on the front!

We really had so much fun making these. It's too early to know the gender of the baby, so we tried to stay as neutral as possible in our designs. And let's face it, slap anything on a onesie, and it's cute. I was just gushing the entire time painting these. You can ask Michael, I kept saying, "Awww" and squealing. I couldn't help myself. :)

And a closeup of the designs. 

My Favorite: I Heart Snuggles
Michael's Favorite: The Aggie "A"
Our Friend's Favorites: The Aggie "A" and Boston Red Sox

Needless to say, they are big Red Sox fans, and just about died when they unraveled that last one. It was the most detailed and difficult one to make, but totally worth it for the reaction we received! I foresee making many of these in the future for friends and for our future little ones. And no announcement here, we're not expecting. Just dreaming of the future. ;)


  1. So cute. I love them. Did you just freehand the whole thing? (Meaning - you didn't use freezer paper?) I'm super impressed.

    1. We used just regular printer paper as the stencil, printed everything out from the internet, then cut out the parts that needed to make the stencil. Super detailed, but SO FUN! And thanks, Shantel!

    2. Oh, I forgot to say, that I did freehand the "I Heart Snuggles" one, though!

  2. My favorite is the Boston Red Sox (socks) one. Just love it!!!
