So much has happened since our last post, and it's only been a couple weeks! Michael and I attended our ward temple night in Ogden, as well as the ward camp-out in Tremonton, we both got callings (more info on that later), and we traveled to my hometown in LA for a wedding reception there!

The ward temple night was beautiful. It was the first time that I have gone through a session since taking out my endowment before Michael and I were sealed and married. I was finally able to understand and experience how my mother used to tell me that the Ogden temple was gorgeous on the inside, even though it's outer appearance easily reflects the time in which it was built ;) It was unifying to join together with ward members in the house of the Lord and perform work for those who have passed on before. Michael and I forgot to take a picture of us in front of it, but we are determined to do so next time! We also have a goal to first, attend all the temples in Utah, then eventually the USA, and hopefully we'll make it to a few select ones around the world throughout our time here on earth. We know that we will grow closer as we serve our Heavenly Father in this special way!
Although we were only able to spend one night at the camp-out, we were excited to try out the new tent we purchased. Michael was so excited because it weighs only 7.3 lbs, making it light and perfect for backpacking. We enjoyed getting to know our ward members better and spending time with the Millsaps, our neighbors from below us in Sterling Pointe. They are such a nice couple and we enjoy having another young married couple nearby! Sadly, I have a terrible habit of forgetting the camera and therefore, have no pictures to share!

Now, it is my privilege to share the callings that Michael and I are blessed to have been given here in our ward. I was called to be a Primary Teacher of the Sunbeams! I must admit, I was hoping for something Primary oriented as I love to be with the future of our church and world and feel of their sweet spirits. There is so much to be learned from them and I daresay they will teach me more than I will teach them! And Michael, much to his chagrin, was called to be Second Counselor in the Elder's Quorum Presidency! We couldn't help but laugh as Michael has served numerous times previously in the Elder's Quorum, and just can't seem to get away from it. Maybe the Lord is preparing him for something to come in the future? He really is a wonderful, caring, and kind person and I'm grateful to have such an upstanding priesthood holder as my husband. It was exciting and new for us to be called in together to show support for the other as the calling was issued, yet reaffirming of the order and inspiration of our leaders in the church. What a blessing to have such opportunities to serve!

Lastly, the Louisiana reception was a rousing success! Michael and I are benefiting from the generosity of many friends and loved ones there. I was grateful to have so many sisters from my home ward pitch in and help with decorations, food, and everything. I believe we had about 50 people attend, which made it a quaint and lovely affair. Michael was able to meet many people who have known me since I was born, as well as one of my best friends from high school who I do not get to see that often. Also, two of my old high school teachers showed up out of the blue, which was incredibly exciting! Mrs. Cross, my junior English teacher, always encouraged me and built me up as I discovered my love for Edgar Allen Poe and even hired me on to grade papers for her throughout the year. Ms. Juneau was my French teacher, and believe me, made class fun through her "tell-it-like-it-is" personality and hilarious stories of past students and trips to Europe. It was a joy to have them crash the party! I believe Michael enjoyed NOT being sick at this reception as he was at the others previous. He was so attentive the entire night and made sure that my dress was under control and that I was properly hydrated and fed :) I do not have any pictures from that night, so I'll post when I get some.
Michael headed back to Utah on Sunday morning, in order to not miss work, and my mother and I made the trek back by purple van throughout the week. We visited with family in Louisiana and Texas, my mother had her annual breast cancer checkup, and we stayed with some old and dear friends in Houston, the Egans. What a fun family!!! Their hospitality was so kind and we couldn't have thanked them enough. Eventually, after driving about 4,000 miles round-trip, we made it back to Utah, where we were all happy to have arrived in safety to the comforts of our own home. Who knew I'd miss Michael so much after just a few days. I can definitely admit that we are typical newlyweds, happy to be reunited and together!