Monday, December 07, 2009

FAST Christmas Party

Oh boy, was this weekend fun! Michael and I went to his work's Christmas party at La Caille (the most amazingly beautiful, nice, exquisite, expensive, and delicious French restaurant) in Sandy, UT! It was a fun excuse to get all "gussied up" and go out for a wonderful dinner. We had appetizers, our choice of salad, Ribeye Steak or Miso Glazed Salmon, and Crêpes or a Trio of French desserts. Naturally, Michael and I chose the Ribeye and the Trio of Desserts, which consisted of a Chocolate Chantilly Cake, Crème Brûlée, and Beignets. Wish I had pictures, but we were so busy enjoying our dinner, that there was no time for pictures!

Afterward, a large group of us "FASTees" went to the Gallivan Center for some outdoor ice skating. It has been about a decade since I last put on ice skates and tackled the frozen floor, so I was excited to reacquaint myself with a long lost love. Michael has grown up doing this, so he was a pro and held my hand throughout the night. He actually told me I was doing really awesome, of course, that was true until I slipped and fell flat on my knees. Figures eh? I believe I screamed a pitch that is so high it might've hurt dogs ears. :) One thing I must add though, that was the one and ONLY time I fell throughout the night. Michael and I "high-fived" about that fact.

It was freezing as Michael and I skated around, laughing and giggling like little kids. We have so much fun together. Michael said I had a "perma-smile" on my face the whole evening. Love that boy.

Michael strutting his stuff. We danced the Hokey-Pokey, Cha-Cha Slide, and The Macarena while skating around. There might have been some ultra cool booty shaking going on throughout. (TMI???)

Just before we left. By the way, I made that beanie with my own two hands! I've been cranking them out for Christmas presents like crazy lately. Keeps me busy and happy in my spare time :)

And a cheesy video of me. Enjoy!


  1. This is my second time commenting... stupid blogger, for some reason it's not posting a lot of my comments lately... anywho, here's the rundown of what I said: #1.Michael looks huge in your picture header... or you look like a little kid! Funny! #2.I hate ice skating, so does Scott, we get along well that way. #3 glad you had fun!

  2. Haha. Thanks for the 3 fun comments. It is crazy how small I am and how big he is. Who would've ever thought such things could happen?!? You're so cute!
