Monday, July 18, 2011

Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream

I made this yummy frozen concoction for dessert at the Black Family gathering on Sunday. I'm afraid that I forgot to take any pictures, so these ones "borrowed" from the internet will have to do. But rest assured that they are incredibly close to the real thing. As I was in the process of making ice cream, Michael's dad asked me if I had ever made ice cream before meeting Michael. I said, "I've seen it done and helped with it before, but no, I definitely have not made as MUCH ice cream before Michael came into my life!" Basically what that translates into is that Michael and his family LOVE ice cream. 
Every time we visit, Michael opens the freezer to see what new ice cream his parents have that week. And they buy the good stuff too. So we have to be extra careful when we frequent their house or else we'll eat an entire carton during our stay. Because we just love it so much.

I could eat it everyday, even during the winter when it's cold and snowy outside. There's just something about the sweetness and creamy texture that causes cravings at all times of year, and hours of the night. Personally, I'm a fan of basic flavors, such as vanilla or sweet cream, mixed with fruit or something chocolate-y. So that's why I decided to make Cheesecake as the base flavor. Michael's mother had a bunch of blueberries in her freezer, and so Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream emerged. It was a success and everybody loved it. 

I think this is the perfect ice cream to make at this time of year, when berries and other fresh fruits are at their peak. The cheesecake flavor pairs incredibly well with the tartness of the berries and sort of "mellows" them out. It's a brilliant combination! I'm sure you will love it as much as I did!

Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream
(cheesecake ice cream recipe adapted from Tartelette)

2 cups whole milk
3 cups heavy cream
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
4 egg yolks
8 oz. cream cheese
6 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen (thawed)


  1. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar. In a saucepan set on medium heat, bring the milk and the cream to boiling point, slowly pour a small amount on the egg yolks to temper. Pour the remaining over the yolks and sugar. 
  2. Stir well then pour back in the saucepan and cook over medium low heat until the cream thickens and coats the back of a wooden spoon. 
  3. Remove from the heat and whisk in the cream cheese until completely melted and incorporated. Cool to room temperature then cover and refrigerate until cold. 
  4. Process in an ice cream maker until it has reached soft-serve stage and almost doubled in size. 
  5. Mash blueberries lightly, then mix in with ice cream and place in the freezer to harden, which will take about 2 hours. Serve in bowls or ice cream cones and enjoy! 
Makes about 2 1/2 quarts


  1. Even though I'm not a huge ice cream fan, this looks great. I love blueberries and cheesecake so I think this is something I would like. Next time you make it, let me know. It looks scrumptious!

  2. Looks awesome and sounds yummy! Mike's family is the same way. His mom and dad always have ice cream at their house. His dad sometimes buys a flavor he knows no one else will eat b/c he knows as soon as Mike or his brothers get there, its gone! The only kind his family doesn't like is mint chocolate chip which is my favorite so anytime I buy it, I know it is safe at their house!!!
    I've never tried homemade ice cream by myself but that recipe looks quite yummy!

  3. This looks AWESOME!! thank you!

  4. We planted 2 blueberry bushes and will try this recipe with our 1st harvest! Sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Do you have to have an ice cream maker? Never made ice cream. Looks delish

    1. Have you gotten a response, because I would also like to know if you need an ice cream maker.

    2. We tried without by putting in a bag and then in abigger bag of ice&salt mix, after a while of mixing and tossing around, no avail. Borrowed neighbors ice cream maker, 20 mins later it looked like ice cream. Used frozen blueberries and when lightly mashed, too much liquid. Will do fresh next time. Its in the freezer, hopefully will taste great! The creamcheese base tasted yummy!

    3. Yes, to everyone. :) If you'll notice on step #4 of the directions, it indicates the need to use an ice cream maker. Sorry if this wasn't more clear!

    4. What you can do if you don't have an ice cream maker is just use heaving whipping cream for all of it and to get rid of the eggs. Then make whipped cream and fold in the beaten cream cheese and blueberries. Put in a 9x9 or something and freeze. Won't taste as rich, but it should freeze to resemble ice cream.

  6. This would be incredible! Also assing some crushed graham crackers would be good.

    1. Graham crackers are a great idea! I've done that before with other cheesecake ice cream recipes.

  7. Oh that looks so good! I've got to try this out. I linked to your post here:

  8. I made this ice cream with my four year old grandson and everyone loved it. Thank you.

  9. For sure, I am going to try this one.
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  10. I cannot wait to make that ice cream it looks so good! Thank you for the recipe :)

  11. Hello!
    I saw your ice cream recipe on Pinterest recipe and it really caught my eye! Such a wonderful recipe! I am honored to feature your fantastic recipe in my "Top-Rated Ice Cream Recipes Round-Up" on my website! I will definitely be back!

  12. I can eat all the recipes and flavors of ice cream. That is how I am addicted to that.
    Ice Cream Recipes

  13. Wow this was looking so delicious. Am gonna try this. thanks for sharing this.
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