For Michael's birthday this year, we returned to childhood and all the classic favorites from that time in our lives. Many friends were invited and fun was had by all through a night of games, food, and general mayhem!

Streamers and balloons decorated the apartment, setting the general "party" mood.

There was pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey...

Notice the monster truck pinata behind Greg. The weather did not allow us to go outside and properly make use of it, so we're saving it for later in the summer when obliteration can occur ;)

Natalie graced us with her presence. We felt special!

The newlyweds...kissing and eating taco salad.

Aren't these twins just adorable?

And yes, we also played Twister...which Michael, in true birthday boy fashion, conquered. I hope Ian's pride wasn't hurt "too" much.

Here we have all the children trying to play Twister. Took some help from the parents on how to play the game, but they were good and so cute!

The awesome Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cake created by Dani. Cowabunga Dude!

Michael had a helper to blow out the candles...

Lilly became fast friends with Dani as they watched Shrek!

Andy and Dani, our resident lovebirds. They are getting married on May 14th in the Draper Temple!

Pretty girls.

Not really sure what happened here, but I'm sure it was hilarious!
The night was finished off with an intense game of Guesstures. Boys vs. girls of course. A lot of laughing ensued during this part of the evening.
And might I mention that the girls won...by a landslide.
It was a fantastic night and Michael said that it was his best birthday ever! Success!
SO FUN! I wish I could have been there!
ReplyDeleteI love this! You did such a great job on Michael's party and we all had such a good time! Love those little kids playing twister! They are too cute! I look like a dork in that picture, but I love that Lilly decided to be my friend anyway! And of course the girls won! We weren't going to take it easy on the boys just cause it was Mike's birthday :)
ReplyDeleteArianne, I wish you could've been there too. But don't worry, we have lots of fun things planned for summer so you and Tyler can be a part of them too!
ReplyDeleteDani, thanks! Your help was so loved and appreciated that night. And the cake, I'm still in love with your creation. I think we should hold the fact that we are guesstures champions over the boys heads all summer!