So, my dearest friend, Camille just returned home last night from her mission to Puerto Rico!
I have missed this girl like crazy. Seriously missed her. She has been my BEST friend up here in Utah and Utah State in general. She left on her mission just 8 days before Michael and I got married. So, in her heart, and while she was in the MTC, she was an honorary bridesmaid!
Anyway, I'm so glad to have her back in Utah! I just love her. We have been keeping up some wonderful correspondence throughout her service in PR. Next to my brother, she is the only person who I have faithfully written in a consistent manner throughout the mission. I never imagined how fun and excited I would get every time a letter would come in the mail. Michael even could tell how much I LOVED getting her letters. He'd come in from checking the mail and be like, "Rebecca, I have a present for you!" Then, of course, I'd run down the stairs and practically rip the letter open right then and there to get to all the good stuff within. So fun.

Camille and I have spent some incredibly fun times together over my years here in Utah. She's one of those people that I just can't imagine living life without knowing. For instance, I feel like my moving away from Louisiana to Utah was for a number of reasons, one of which is to meet and know Camille. She was seriously a lifesaver to me in so many ways. She'd keep me silly and happy all the time (notice above picture). And she is always so REAL. If I was ever stressed about something, she was like my own personal "therafriend" bringing me back to reality. True friend right there.

Anyway, I'm so glad to have her back in Utah! I just love her. We have been keeping up some wonderful correspondence throughout her service in PR. Next to my brother, she is the only person who I have faithfully written in a consistent manner throughout the mission. I never imagined how fun and excited I would get every time a letter would come in the mail. Michael even could tell how much I LOVED getting her letters. He'd come in from checking the mail and be like, "Rebecca, I have a present for you!" Then, of course, I'd run down the stairs and practically rip the letter open right then and there to get to all the good stuff within. So fun.

Camille and I have spent some incredibly fun times together over my years here in Utah. She's one of those people that I just can't imagine living life without knowing. For instance, I feel like my moving away from Louisiana to Utah was for a number of reasons, one of which is to meet and know Camille. She was seriously a lifesaver to me in so many ways. She'd keep me silly and happy all the time (notice above picture). And she is always so REAL. If I was ever stressed about something, she was like my own personal "therafriend" bringing me back to reality. True friend right there.

How many times can I say that I just love this woman? Never too many I think! I'm excited for what life has in store for her in the future. She has just completed a selfless and sacrificing mission for her Heavenly Father and I know she's loved it. Her letters were always so cheerful and so enthusiastic about the gospel and those she was sharing it with! I know she is blessed and will continue to be blessed for all her hard work and perseverance.
Can't wait to see her cute self on Sunday, when she gives her homecoming talk in Kaysville! It should be perfectly AMAZING!
Camille est m'amie! (Camille is my friend!)

Camille est m'amie! (Camille is my friend!)
How exciting! One of my very best friends gets home from her mission in 10 days, and I am SO excited. This post just got me even more excited!